Just like PIXI.Application
, it sets up the Renderer, Ticker and root Container. If you wish, you can manually render those components instead.
<script> import { Application, Text } from 'svelte-pixi'</script>
<Application width={400} height={400} antialias> <Text x={200} y={200} anchor={0.5} text="Hello World" style={{ fill: 'white' }} /></Application>
Custom View
If you want to customize the element that the canvas is rendered into, you can use the view
slot. The canvas will be appended as a child of the slot element.
<script> import { Application, Text } from 'svelte-pixi'</script>
<Application width={400} height={400} antialias> <div slot="view" class="custom"> <!-- canvas will be placed here --> </div>
<!-- pixi components go here --> <Text x={200} y={200} anchor={0.5} text="Hello World" style={{ fill: 'white' }} /></Application>
<style> .custom :global(canvas) { border: 5px solid tomato; border-radius: 5px; }</style>
Render on Demand
<script> import { onMount } from 'svelte' import { Text, Application } from 'svelte-pixi' import DraggableCircle from '$lib/components/DraggableCircle.svelte'</script>
<Application width={400} height={400} antialias render="demand" on:postrender={() => console.log('render')}> <DraggableCircle x={200} y={200} /> <Text x={200} y={300} text="Click and drag" style={{ fill: 'white' }} anchor={0.5} /></Application>
See Render on Demand for more information.
Name | Description |
antialias false | boolean Sets antialias |
autoDensity true | boolean Resizes renderer view in CSS pixels to allow for resolutions other than 1. |
autoStart true | boolean Automatically starts the rendering |
backgroundAlpha 1 | number Value from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque). |
backgroundColor 0x000000 | number The background color of the rendered area (shown if not transparent). |
clearBeforeRender | boolean This sets if the renderer will clear the canvas or not before the new render pass. |
eventFeatures | PIXI.EventSystemOptions['eventFeatures'] The event features that are enabled by the EventSystem. |
eventMode | PIXI.EventMode The default event mode mode for all display objects. This option only is available when using @pixi/events package (included in the pixi.js and pixi.js-legacy bundle), otherwise it will be ignored. |
forceCanvas false | boolean Prevents selection of WebGL renderer, even if such is present, this option only is available when using pixi.js-legacy or @pixi/canvas-renderer modules, otherwise it is ignored. |
height 600 | number The height of the renderers view. |
instance | PIXI.Application The PIXI.Application instance. This can be manually set or bound to. Note: if manually set, props will not be applied. |
powerPreference | WebGLPowerPreference Parameter passed to webgl context, set to "high-performance" for devices with dual graphics card. (WebGL only). |
premultipliedAlpha | boolean WebGL Only. Whether the compositor will assume the drawing buffer contains colors with premultiplied alpha. |
preserveDrawingBuffer false | boolean Enables drawing buffer preservation, enable this if you need to call toDataUrl on the WebGL context. |
render 'auto' | 'auto' 'demand' false Changes the rendering method auto - render on each tick at the target FPS demand - render only when components have been updated |
resizeTo | Window HTMLElement Element to automatically resize stage to. |
resolution | number The resolution / device pixel ratio of the renderer. |
useContextAlpha | boolean "notMultiplied" Pass-through value for canvas' context alpha property. If you want to set transparency, please use backgroundAlpha. This option is for cases where the canvas needs to be opaque, possibly for performance reasons on some older devices. @deprecated since 7.0.0, use premultipliedAlpha and backgroundAlpha instead. |
width 800 | number The width of the renderers view. |
Name | Props | Fallback |
default | {} | |
view | { slot: view } | <div /> |
Name | Type | Detail |
postrender | forwarded | |
prerender | forwarded |